Past your Past….

By | December 5, 2009

Leave-The-Past (1)Should one revisit the past?
Past is something you ve experienced..something which is over..

This question popped my head as I came across a book at a nearby book shop.
“Cloud Nine Minus One” – Story of a happily married woman re-visiting her past .. 20 years later.. over a college alumni.
My first reaction was ridiculous!! Whats the need? The contrast between my thinking and the writer’s made me pick up this book and read it.
Of all the people whom you come across ..few leave a mark. Memories are etched. You seal them as they were, in one part of your brain. Time passes by and brings out many changes in you, others and those associated with you once.

Will another encounter be as pleasant as the old one?

With some pondering on that one, I say.. Maybe.

A dear friend whom you lost in maintaining the fast pace of life. That lost love, were phases of your life. They were actors in that phase – which is over now. You start living another phase.. every new day.. making newer memories. While moving a step forward each day.. it is okay to step back once in a while. But to think of bringing those characters back into your story doesn’t seem to be a wise act.

Those characters too move on to make their new memories with different people they come across in their journey.. and the gap widens.. To “catch up” over a coffee after some years is a cliche.. I’ll say. Its just an act of updating yourself of who is doing what.. A typical act of two years in two minutes. A nice casual chat and you are done. Its difficult to bridge that gap and bring that similar warmth and comfort which you once shared. Of course not, if you are too keen on that.
Simply because the part to be enacted by that character in your story has been directed. Now the story has moved ahead and that character doesn’t seem to hold the similar importance in it.The essence of that character has diluted over time. Some body else is doing that part now.. in this part of your story.. And as they say.. Story never ends!!

reasons for moving

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10 thoughts on “Past your Past….

  1. swati

    very well written…
    for some reasons..was thinking the same way yesterday…
    feeling like someone has put those thoughts into words…

  2. muvi

    some times going thru all that write up u’ve blooged till date..i just could’nt believe it’s u behind it!

    frm the days u used to borrow my poetry to sing in school skits..till this one today whr am sitting all amazed with ur thoughts n expressiongswith words…u’ve really come a long way
    n in wat an endearing way i mus say!

    we may evolve so much with time’s so amazing to see the change..n like u said not just us..but also so many things n people around..
    but its always nice to hav those in ur life as a reference point who have see u growing thru all this n more.
    take me as one….i shall alwayz be glad wen u turn around n find me standing behind u ..just where u left me the last time!

  3. kkanut

    it felt like a correspondance to the questionaire in my mind and im reading answers to all of them.

    There is a reason for things to be ur past


  4. Mandeep

    Well written!! I can relate very well to it!
    “Its difficult to bridge that gap and bring that similar warmth and comfort which you once shared. Of course not, if you are too keen on that.” I certainly agree the most with this part of your writing..

  5. Anshul

    May be you are right in most of the phrases in your writing, but the question is “what is someone is unable to forget his past even after so many tries??” do you have any answer??

    1. Nancy Sharma Post author

      Its easier said than done. First thing.
      But then the choice is yours – To be happy or sad. And it becomes easier to decide in case your efforts are not bearing any results.
      When you give your 100%, you never regret.
      And when you don’t regret, you should move ahead with a contentment that you tried your best but maybe the destiny had some other plans.

  6. Anshul

    I know yaar that choice is ours – to be happy or sad, but sometimes its really very difficult to understand that what went wrong exactly…..
    I have a ques – why always destiny plays a major role in all these things, No one want destiny to interfare then who the hell is she(destiny)…. why just god can’t let ourselves to write our own future for a time being

  7. mouveen

    u make me wonder if d clarity of thought wich u project penning down even closely reflects d ever buzzing mind of urs!!wen did u grow up tis big buddy?? u connect to d reader as though d words chosen r their own! nice piece..

  8. anawnimiss

    Well, what happened in the past belongs in the past. I think “Catching Up” is a sham. Most of the time, you’re basically only interested in knowing how well the other person is doing compared to yourself. If you were romatically or emotionally involved, it’s usually about finding out if they found someone yet or if they found a better deal than you.
    I say bury the past.


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