What should you look for while choosing your Gynaecologist?

By | April 13, 2015

tips to look for delivery and childbirth

Pregnancy is a very special journey for the expectant parents. From the very start you want to choose the best for your baby. As soon as you come to know, you prefer to meet a doctor. Someone who can guide you through the nine months and ensure the best health of both of you.
It is very important that this decision is taken judiciously. Today almost everyone prefers a hospital birth. So, what are the things you should keep in mind while choosing your gynaecology services or an obstetrician and gynaecologist?
1. The normal and c-sec delivery ratios. 
The c-sec is a major abdominal surgery. Medical researchers say that it should be done only when it arises out of medical situation. Sadly this surgery is becoming a common norm these days. Ask the c-sec vs normal delivery ratio of the hospital. Be aware that vaginal delivery is the healthiest option for you and your baby. Talk to your doctor to understand all options and be open about your preferences.

2. Is the doctor willing to listen to your doubts or worries?
It is important that your doctor is able to dedicate time towards your concerns and worries. The routine check-up should not just be restricted to check-ups. You should be able to talk at length with your doctor.

3. Is the doctor available on call, if needed in emergency situation?
It is preferable to be able to connect to your obstetrician in case of any emergency. Talk about it with your doctor and workout an option.

4. Does the doctor prefer a surgical delivery over a normal one?
A vaginal delivery takes its natural course of time. While a c-sec can be planned and finished according to a doctor’s schedule, a normal delivery is time consuming. Talk to your doctor to understand their preferences.

5. Distance from your home.
Sometimes the labor symptoms go unnoticed by the mother. Labor pain till delivery can be a very anxious phase for the couple. It is good to be under medical supervision as soon as you can deduce labor pains. You should choose a hospital which is not far away from your home. A maximum of half an hour drive is a good standard to go with.

6. Post-natal care for both mother and the baby.
Once the baby is born, both mother and baby need some immediate care to recover. It is good to ask about the post-natal care routine for both mother and baby.

7. Pre-natal and antenatal workshops.
For the first time parents, these workshops are a great source of information. It is good if the hospital can hold such workshops. You can ask before you zero down your choice.

Those 9 months of pregnancy are tough for the couple. The wait is made worthwhile by the beautiful healthy baby born afterwards. Keep these points in mind and make an educated choice. I wish you happy parenthood ahead! 🙂


P.S. This is a sponsored post for Askme.com. However the opinions expressed are totally personal.


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10 thoughts on “What should you look for while choosing your Gynaecologist?

  1. nancy Post author

    Hey Archana, thanks for stopping by! I am glad the points mentioned here can be of help to your sister in law.

  2. maria

    Stopping by from the A to Z challenge. I fell behind along the way too, but jumped back in. I hope you do too. Enjoyed your posts and thoughts on motherhood so far. And I appreciated your detox post. I do several of the ones you suggest and will try the others. Stay fit. Maria@Delight Directed Living

  3. nancy Post author

    Welcome to my space Maria! You’ve inspired me to join back in! Thanks for appreciating my work. Love!

  4. John Holton

    Hi Nancy,

    Just checked your blog, and it looks like you’re stuck on G. Are you going to continue with A to Z? If not we’ll remove your link from the list.

    John Holton
    2015 A to Z Challenge Cohost

    1. nancy Post author

      Hey John. Yes I am stuck at G. Sadly not able to find time. But enjoyed this challenge so far. I hope to be better prepared the next year. Thanks!

  5. Pingback: How to spot a great Pediatrician for your child? | The Thinkin Hat

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