5 Ultimate Detox Drinks to start your day with.

By | March 23, 2015


All of us(especially we women) can run from pillar to post for a healthy and glowing skin. You must have heard the word “detox” from a lot of people in this pursuit of clear skin. So what you mean by detox and why do you need it?

A quick google would end up throwing this at you -“abstain from or rid the body of toxic or unhealthy substances.” In simpler terms, you get your vehicle serviced regularly to enhance it internal functioning. To attain higher efficiency aka mileage.

Similarly detox helps you to achieve better and smooth functioning of your body and its internal organs.

While you are asleep at night, your body goes into resting mode. You don’t eat and drink cause you are sleeping. Obviously. So it is essential to re fuel your fasting body as soon as you get up. Like you have a morning routine of brushing your teeth. Similarly it is important to have a morning detox routine for your body.

This helps in improving its functioning, kicking the metabolism and thus keeping us alert and active. So let’s jump straight to these 4 ultimate detox drinks that you can savour in the morning.

coconut-water-for-detox1. Coconut Water.

Yes, the simple age old tender coconut water. It is refreshing and has the best composition of minerals for our body.


images2. Lemon and honey.

Lemon is a saviour when it comes to weight loss. It also maintains your body’s pH balance. It is very effective in flushing out toxins and replenishing your body of essential minerals and salts. Preparing this drink is also simple and quick.

Preparation : Warm the water in a glass and squeeze some lemon juice into it. Add a teaspoon full of honey and stir. You can opt out honey if you love the tangy flavour of lemon in water.

Cinnamon sticks on a white background3.  Cinnamon and Honey

This is one go to drink when you are attempting to lose weight. Cinnamon is known for pepping up your metabolism and lower your cravings. It has been shown to help lower your blood sugar levels, which will help you stay alert and focused throughout the day and avoid that after lunch crash that is so common.

Preparation : Take a glass of warm water. Add a spoonful of cinnamon powder. Mix it well and let it rest for ten minutes. Divide this glass into two portions. Add a teaspoon of honey to one and have it a bedtime. The other half can be kept in refrigerator to be consumed in morning. Don’t warm the drink when you take it once you get up. Make sure you don’t have your breakfast before 30 minutes of sipping this drink.

Tip : You should keep cinnamon powder handy. For best results this drink should be taken before bed time and after you get up in morning.

4. Aloe Vera Juice.

We have heard so many benefits of using aloe vera on our skin. But drinking aloe vera juice in morning can  really make a huge difference to your body and skin.

Though the preparation take some steps, but the end result is worth it 🙂

Preparation : I found this useful link that demonstrates the preparation step by step.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Believe me when I say that Apple Cider Vinegar is a must for every household. This wonder product can be used for your skin/body/household cleaning and what not. So let us now focus on its detox properties at the moment. You can buy the product from here.

Preparation : Mix apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water in 1:3 ratio. Add a bit of honey if you can’t take the tangy taste this drink offers.

Tip : This drink can be taken in the daytime, before a meal too.

You can now choose your detox drink and make it a habit to detox each morning! Do write back to me if you need any other information.

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2 thoughts on “5 Ultimate Detox Drinks to start your day with.

    1. nancy Post author

      Not bad Pooja. Lemon and honey is a great drink 🙂


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