Three years ago, if you’d ask me, I would have had no clue! 🙂
I had no past fling with Meditation or Spirituality. Thoughtless State – was it even possible, I wondered!
With the onset of pandemic most of us learnt how fickle, un predictable life is. Mental Anxiety, Depression are quite common now a days. The current mental health stats globally warn us of a looming mental health pandemic.
“YOU WILL BE stunned by the suffering inside”
Dr Abdul Jalloh, a psychiatrist at Kissy mental hospital in Freetown, US
So I knew it’s a panache for mental health woes and MUST be done. BUT with a constant mind chatter, multi tasking, running around for daily chores, kids, work etc etc how to achieve peace? Be in the moment? How to be in tune with yourself when everything else tries to sway you away from your inner center?
Sounds relatable? Did you struggle the same way? Then hang on and read the complete post. I am hopeful, by the end of this post you’ll have a few ideas to try!
I started my fling with meditation in 2020 and failed, gave up multiple times. Finally, start of 2022 my efforts started showing results. Today, I am able to sit and meditate for atleast 30 mins.
So what did I do differently that helped me?
Listing down my top 5 tips for beginners who are keen on adding meditation for their mental health.
- Start with a guided meditation app – For a beginner, I recommend guided meditation as the only way to start. Without this, there are high chances of you deviating into thoughts and ending up in frustration. I have personally used Insight timer. There are many more guided meditation apps available. The other new app is Idanim which I got to explore.
- Make a habit to show up – The quote that helped me bring myself every time was ” the mind’s job is to wander. Your job is to bring it back. ” Do your job. Show up everyday. There is no other way. Mornings are the best time to attempt since your mind is still somewhat clear of information overload [ Unless you pick mobile first thing in morning]
- Start slow – Don’t make glorious milestones! And don’t expect huge rewards, soon. Don’t aim for full 30 mins as you start. Make small goals and add more minutes slowly. 15 mins is a good start. It’s a short window for you to adjust your routine around. Also shorter time periods see less mental friction. As you see success in 15 mins – add 5 more minutes and move your goal to atleast 30 mins.
- Watch what you’re feeding your mind – Many of us complain of constant mind chatter. Loads of thoughts running in mind. There is no rest period. What we don’t evaluate is how much we are feeding our mind. Thanks to digital revolution, you enter into another world as soon as you pick up your phone. Information at your fingertips as they say! What it also does is constantly keeps your mind active “processing”. What you get is a worked up mental state. Some people complain of inability to sleep at night since mind is quite active, almost running at a high rpm!
- Tune/Trim the number of information sources – Once you’ve realised point #4, now is the time to take action! What has worked for me is to
- Separate digital devices as per use. For example – my phone only has apps relevant to phone usage. Social media apps/games / work email are not installed on my phone. I would use these apps on my laptop/Ipad. There by helping me restrict my phone browsing time. It’s ideal if you have self restraint but I have seldom seen anyone which such a self control 😀
- Use social media with caution.
- Watch your phone usage – Iphone users get the weekly usage stats. Dig deeper, see how much time you are spending. Which areas need some tuning.

Take digital breaks often and try to experience “the now”.
The changes Meditation brings to your life are very subtle that you may not recognise initially. Do not give up if you are not “seeing” any change. It’s happening without you knowing it! It’s one investment on yourself that surely will show its benefit sooner or later. Stick to it!
Meditation means dissolving the invisible walls that unawareness has built!